As many of y'all know this is a Friday of mixed emotions for me. Today is my last day with The Cuties for the summer. Monday I start student teaching and while I'm really looking forward to it, I'm not quite ready for summer to be over. On the other hand though, I'm very excited that the weekend is here and Bryce will be home from the beach tomorrow.
Additionally, this weekend is a big one...tomorrow night I am meeting Bryce's parents--all FOUR of them! (His parents are divorced and both remarried, so I will be meeting his mom, dad, step-mom, and step-dad!) I'm excited to meet them and actually only a little nervous.
In honor of the big meeting I thought it would be fun to share a hilarious clip from one of my favorite movies: Meet the Parents. I'm a huge movie fan and this is one of the movies I could watch over and over again!
Hope this puts a smile on your faces!
Do you have any funny stories from a time when you met "the parents?" What are your plans for the weekend?
Have a good one!