
The Road Ahead

Happy Friday everyone!  Glad to see Blogger is finally working again!  My post on The Help from yesterday has seemingly disappeared, but hopefully it will come back soon!

I thought I'd take today to share a little bit of the road ahead for me with y'all given that I've now finished my 4th Year of college.

My parents just left, and have moved out all of my stuff with the exception of my bedding and the clothes I'll need for tonight and tomorrow.  It's pretty odd, being in this empty dorm room.

I'm sure a few of you are confused, because I've talked about my undergrad experience and also the fact that I'm working on my Masters of Teaching.  I'm in UVA's Curry School of Education which is a 5 Year program, where you work on your undergraduate degree and master's degree at the same time and allows you to get your master's in one extra year rather than two.  So since my third year, I have been dual enrolled in undergraduate and graduate level classes.  I'm graduating early from the program and am doing it in four and a half years and am now officially a graduate student.  Tomorrow I will leave my dorm and go home for a day and half and then return to Cville for the start of summer school on Monday.  I will have three weeks of summer school to take two classes which are the culminating classes for my Master's.  I then will go home for the summer at the beginning of June and will nanny Cuties A and B.  August brings the start of student teaching in a 1st grade class.  I am doing my student teaching from home and will graduate with my Bachelor's in psychology and Master's of Teaching in January.  I plan to apply for Teach for America in the fall as well.  This is a very exciting time for me and though I've loved college, I'm really ready for the next chapter in my life.  

This will be me full time starting in the Fall!

I only hope that I grow as close with the students and teacher in my student teaching placement as I have my field placement class this semester!

I'm sure this summer and student teaching will bring many new and exciting adventures, which I can't wait to share with you!

Any tips for me as I embark on this next phase of my life?

Have a great weekend!