Many people here in Richmond are still without power, so I am very thankful ours came back on so quickly.
Did anyone get the chance to watch The Today Show yesterday?
I tuned in for a few minutes and really enjoyed their segment on "Leisure Diving." Have any of y'all heard of it? features all sorts of crazy photos of people leisurely diving/falling into pools with props and costumes.
The key to a good leisure dive, according to Today, was having a casual face, not one of "I'm about to dive in a pool with my clothes on!"
Here are a few of my favorites found on their website:
"Hawaii Dive-O"
"Nap Dive"
"Hotdoggin Dive"
"Sunday at the Library Dive"
"Pool Service Dive"
We have a pool in our backyard and this kind of makes me want to try a leisure dive...I don't know how I'd feel about jumping in the pool fully clothed though...
Would you ever leisure dive?
Have a great day!