Did you have a nice weekend?
Ours was a good one, but seemed to fly by even more than usual, unfortunately.
Today I thought I'd give you a glimpse into life lately through some of my favorite Instagrams of late.

Last night, Bryce and I had date night at a new restaurant nearby, Travinia; we really enjoyed our meals, but think they still have some service kinks to work out. I can't get enough of my over-the-knee boots (currently 30% off) and am also loving this comfy, yet chic top I bought over the weekend!
Saturday night I popped open this bubbly, just because, and really enjoyed it....I am also
I've been posting some #barrestarselfies lately, as I have participated in Richmond Barre's Barre Star challenge of 20 classes in 30 days. I've got just 4 classes to go and rewarded myself with some new Lululemon once I made it to the halfway mark. I can't get enough of these dotted Wunder Unders.
Bryce and I had so much fun putting together our first ever couple's Halloween costumes! He was a duck hunter, and I was the mallard...the look would not have been complete without the amazing mask Bryce made!
We had Bryce's parents over for dinner last month and we baked pound cake (recipe here) for dessert...the leftovers provided delicious breakfasts and snacks for days and was perfect paired with hot chocolate in my favorite mug that was a gift from a best girlfriend, Angela!
This was one of my favorite looks from October; both the top and vest have been staples in my wardrobe since getting them last fall, but I never thought to pair them together until recently. I am smitten with the combination!
I treated Bryce to date night at Cinebistro. We saw Gone Girl and I cannot stop thinking about this delicious shrimp mac-n-cheese. Another movie night at Cinebistro is in order stat!
PS- Doesn't the name "Cinebistro" make you think of cinnamon buns!?
Our schedules fortunately haven't been too packed with fall weddings, but the few we've had have certainly made their mark. The band at Aynsley's and Stuart's wedding was AH-mazing...go go dancers!? Check!
Finally, I am so glad I have prioritized reading. The first few weeks of school, I couldn't seem to find the time (or energy) to read, but have recently gotten back into a groove. I finished Big Little Lies over the course of a weekend. Any recommendations of what to read next?
Do you Instagram?
What have you been up to lately?
Have a great day!